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Y. Iwasaki
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P2.16 - Surgery (ID 717)
- Event: WCLC 2017
- Type: Poster Session with Presenters Present
- Track: Surgery
- Presentations: 1
- Moderators:
- Coordinates: 10/17/2017, 09:30 - 16:00, Exhibit Hall (Hall B + C)
P2.16-008 - Collapsed Lung Index Ten Minutes after Thoracotomy and Pre-Operative Pulmonary Function Tests (ID 8932)
09:30 - 09:30 | Author(s): Y. Iwasaki
- Abstract
The lung is still pneumatized and we cannot take a broad view of the chest cavity. As for surgeons, the prediction of lung prolapse is valuable for surgical manipulations. We estimated the degree of the collapsed lung ten minutes after thoracotomy (collapsed lung index; CLI). We also evaluated the relationship between CLI and pre-operative pulmonary function test.
From December 2016 to June 2017, we included 38 patients undergoing video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) without pleural adhesion. CLI was determined as the degree of collapse of the lung ten minutes after opening the first thoracic port. CLI definition was as follows; Grade 1: the distance between visceral pleura and chest wall was less than 1cm, Grade 2: the distance was less than 3cm, Grade 3: the distance was less than 5cm, Grade 4: the distance was more than 5 cm and the lung parenchyma was partially deflated, and Grade 5: the lung was completely collapsed. We also checked the relationship between CLI and pre-operative pulmonary function test of the patients.
The patients are 47 years old to 83 years old. They consist of 25 males and 13 females. The numbers of CLI Grade 1 were 0 cases, Grade 2 were 4 cases, Grade 3 were 18 cases, Grade 4 were 14 cases, and Grade 5 were 2 cases. VATS were easily undergone with broad surgical view Grade 4 and Grade 5. The 42% of the cases are included in CLI Grade 4 and Grade 5. The mean value of %VC was 102.6 %, FEV1.0G was 76.8 %, and FEV1.0% was 100.3 % in Grade 4 and Grade 5 patients. The preoperative pulmonary function tests were better in Grade 4 and 5 than the other Grades.
We proposed CLI to estimate the surgical views at the beginning of VATS. The preoperative pulmonary function will predict the surgical field. We are waiting for some methods to deflate the lung in CLI Grade 1, 2, and 3 to Grade 4 or 5. The complete collapsed lung should make a good contribution for Single port VATS.