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M. Zhu
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P2.14 - Radiotherapy (ID 715)
- Event: WCLC 2017
- Type: Poster Session with Presenters Present
- Track: Radiotherapy
- Presentations: 1
- Moderators:
- Coordinates: 10/17/2017, 09:30 - 16:00, Exhibit Hall (Hall B + C)
P2.14-004 - Comparable Local Controls after Twice-Daily and Once-Daily Chest Radiotherapy in Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer (ID 8788)
09:30 - 09:30 | Author(s): M. Zhu
- Abstract
The optimal radiation schedule for small cell lung cancer (SCLC) has not yet fully established. This study was designed to compare the clinical outcomes between twice- and once-daily radiotherapy in the treatment of SCLC.
One hundred and twenty-four consecutive patients diagnosed with extensive stage SCLC and treated with chemoradiotherapy were retrospectively reviewed. Either twice-daily hyper-fractionated irradiation (45 Gy/30 fractions/BID), or alternative schedules, including hypo-fractionated (45 Gy/15 fractions/QD) or conventionally fractionated (50 Gy/25 fractions/QD or 60 Gy/30 fractions/QD) radiation was delivered, with etoposide and platinum prescribed concurrently or sequentially. Local controls and overall survivals were calculated and compared between twice- and once-daily schedules based on Kaplan-Meier method. Toxicities were record according to Common Terminology Criteria Adverse Events.
There were 67 and 57 patients received twice- and once-daily chest radiotherapy, respectively. With a median follow-up of 27 and 24 months, the local control rates were reported 64.2% and 63.2%. The 2-year estimated local progression-free survival rates were similar (61.6% vs 61.0%, p=0.90). Progressive disease identified three months after radiotherapy was correlated to increased local failure (p=0.026). There was no difference between the incidences of grade 3-4 toxicities between twice- and once-daily schedules (23.9% vs 12.3%, p=0.16).
Either twice- (45 Gy/30 fractions/BID) or once-daily (45 Gy/15 fractions/QD, 50 Gy/25 fractions/QD, 60 Gy/30 fractions/QD) radiation schedule could be considered in the treatment of SCLC, resulting in comparable local control and toxicities.