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C. Lin
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P2.03 - Chemotherapy/Targeted Therapy (ID 704)
- Event: WCLC 2017
- Type: Poster Session with Presenters Present
- Track: Chemotherapy/Targeted Therapy
- Presentations: 1
- Moderators:
- Coordinates: 10/17/2017, 09:30 - 16:00, Exhibit Hall (Hall B + C)
P2.03-003 - Cost Effectiveness of Gefitinib for Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients with Mutant Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (ID 7382)
09:30 - 09:30 | Author(s): C. Lin
- Abstract
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor such as Gefitinib rather than conventional chemotherapy is the standard of care for advanced lung adenocarcinoma (LA) with mutant epidermal growth factor receptor (mEGFR). However, its cost-effectiveness is less clear. The aim of our study is to compare the cost and effectiveness of 1[st] line gefitinib vs platinum-based chemotherapy for clinical stage IV LA via this population-based propensity score (PS) matched analysis.
We identified eligible patients diagnosed within 2011 through a comprehensive population-based database containing cancer and death registries, and reimbursement data in Taiwan. The primary duration of interest (DOI) was two years within diagnosis. Effectiveness was measured as survival whereas direct medical cost was measured from the health care sector’s perspective. In supplementary analysis (SA), we estimated the cost-effectiveness under potential unmeasured confounder(s) and the cost-effectiveness if the DOI was three years.
Our study population constituted 240 patients [Table 1]. Within 2 years, gefitinib was both more effective [mean overall survival 1.48 vs 1.47 life-year] and cost-saving [mean 78770 vs 82684, 2015 US dollars] when compared to chemotherapy. In SA, our results was sensitive to potential unmeasured confounder(s) but remained cost-effective when DOI was 3 years.Table 1. Patient characteristics of the propensity-score matched final study population
Gefitinib Platinum-based chemotherapy standardized difference (rounded) number (%) number (%) age <65 76 (63.33) 75 (62.5) 0.017 >=65 44 (36.67) 45 (37.5) gender female 60 (50) 60 (50) 0 male 60 (50) 60 (50) residency non-north 55 (45.83) 56 (46.67) 0.017 north 65 (54.17) 64 (53.33) comorbidity without 62 (51.67) 64 (53.33) 0.033 with 58 (48.33) 56 (46.67) smoking history no 79 (65.83) 79 (65.83) 0 yes 41 (34.17) 41 (34.17) performance status 0-1 113 (94.17) 113 (94.17) 0 2 7 (5.83) 7 (5.83)
1[st] line gefitinib was cost-effective for clinically stage IV LA with mEGFR from health care sector’s perspective when compared to platinum-based chemotherapy.