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G. Zago

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    Poster Display Session (ID 63)

    • Event: ELCC 2017
    • Type: Poster Display Session
    • Track:
    • Presentations: 1
    • Moderators:
    • Coordinates: 5/07/2017, 12:30 - 13:00, Hall 1
    • +

      166P - Thymoma and thymic carcinoma: A real-life retrospective analysis (ID 472)

      12:30 - 12:30  |  Author(s): G. Zago

      • Abstract

      Thymic epithelial tumors (TETs) include thymoma and thymic carcinoma, a group of rare and heterogeneous thoracic cancers. The management is primarily surgical, but pre- and post-operatory chemotherapy and radiotherapy are to be evaluated. Recurrences after surgery occur in 10-15% of resected tumors.

      We retrospectively collected TETs consecutively treated at our center between 2005 to 2016 and analyzed clinical and pathological features, response to treatment and patterns of relapse. Patients with uncomplete records or with less than 12-month follow-up were excluded from survival analysis.

      Study population included 57 TETs. Median age was 55 years, male: female ratio was 1:1, all were ECOG PS 0-1 at diagnosis. Histologic subtype A to B1 thymoma was 21%, B2-B3 47.4%, thymic carcinoma 21%, others 11%. Paraneoplastic syndromes were present at diagnosis in 1/3 of the cases (85% myasthenia gravis), mainly less differentiated histologies (85% B2 thymoma or higher). C-kit immunohistochemistry has been evaluated only in 30 cases, 1/3 resulting positive, 80% associated to thymic carcinoma. 50 cases were included in survival analysis: median follow up was 52 months (m) (95%CI: 30-74m), median overall survival (OS) has not been reached (121m- NA) and was not affected by recurrences (p: 0.34). Treatments and relapse patterns are summarized in table. 66% of patients developed disease relapse (51% pleura) regardless of histology and radical surgery, median time to first relapse was 30 m (95% CI: 6-54m), median OSr (OS from first relapse) was not reached (47m-NA) and was significantly worse for thymic carcinomas (p: <0.0001); OSr was not affected by treatment type, number or site of relapse; the only variable able to affect time to relapse was histology: ῃ[2] 0.27.rnTable: 166PTreatment and relapse patterns in TETs [s: surgery; rt: radiotherapy; c: combined; r: relapse]rn

      rnLocal treatment (s: rt: c)Systemic treatmentSystemic+ Local (s: rt: c)Best supportive care
      1[st] diagnosis (N:57)27 (12: 0: 15)327 (8: 4: 15)0
      1[st] r (N:33)14 (5: 2: 7)106 (1: 2: 3)3
      2[nd] r (N:17)9 (6: 1: 2)53 (1:1: 1)0
      3[rd] r (N:9)1 (1: 0: 0)51 (0: 0: 1)2
      4[th] r(N:4)1 (0: 0: 1)11 (0: 0: 1)1

      Real-life management of TETs include multidisciplinary evaluation, which is essential also at relapse to integrate local and systemic treatment.

      Clinical trial identification:

      Legal entity responsible for the study:
      Istituto Oncologico Veneto

      Istituto Oncologico Veneto

      All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.