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Kristin Richeimer

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    MS 19 - Elevating the Lung Cancer Voice: Raising Awareness and Creating Community (ID 541)

    • Event: WCLC 2017
    • Type: Mini Symposium
    • Track: Patient Advocacy
    • Presentations: 1
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      MS 19.02 - Lung Cancer Awareness Month: Unity through IASLC – Organizer Perspective (ID 7733)

      16:05 - 16:25  |  Presenting Author(s): Kristin Richeimer

      • Abstract
      • Presentation
      • Slides

      A Harmonized Strategy for Lung Cancer Awareness Month – November 2016 In early 2016, IASLC proposed a common strategy for the benefit of all lung cancer organizations during Lung Cancer Awareness Month. It was agreed by advocates and advocacy groups that IASLC is in a unique position to lead this unified effort among advocacy organizations. This campaign was supported by independent educational grants from Merck & Co., Inc., Eli Lilly and Company and Helsinn. Objectives for the common strategy for Awareness Month: Inform the public that everyone can get lung cancer (e.g. break down stigma) and share stories. Raise money, increase resources for research. This was done via individual organizations, not a common donor campaign, so we do not necessarily have metrics on funds raised. Reduce mortality & suffering by communicating to the public the exciting scientific advancements, which provide HOPE and PROGRESS in lung cancer. The joint public awareness campaign, supported by all the organizations, included the development of a common logo (seen above); common infographics featuring clear messages and vibrant photos showing people living their lives with lung cancer. The campaign shared stories that represented the demographics of spouses/caregivers/family and tried to show the diversity of all types who will get lung cancer. The common website ( was the focus and link shared during LCAM. We developed an advertising and public awareness campaign that included both print, digital and social media outlets. The advertising campaign included print advertising in New York Times and Wall Street Journal (Rocky Mountain Edition); a digital campaign featuring banner ads and video “pre-roll” ads; and a social media campaign utilizing both organic and paid campaigns. Key Metrics: More than 60 Survivors & Caregivers shared their stories on . More than 20 partners participated in the campaign. More than 25,000 pins, t-shirts, bracelets and posters were distributed in November.

      Facebook Twitter LCAM Youtube Channel
      9,500 Likes in November 2016 #LCAM Impressions - over 51M in November 15 Videos (:30 Seconds to 2 minutes long)
      38,000 Likes as of January 31, 2017 Daily Tweets of Survivor Stories Over 2,000 Views
      28,000+ Post Likes/Shares/Clicks Over 100 Followers
      Re-tweets by Alec Baldwin, US Actor
      Digital Analytics Print Ads
      Over 30,000 Website Visitors 1/2 page full color ad New York Times - Page A8
      Video and Web Banner Impressions - More than 18M NYT Circulation = 651,458
      Video Views & Web Banner Clicks - 78,202 (2) 1/2 page full color ads WSJ Rocky Mountain Edition
      Click-through-rate 8x industry benchmark WSJ Rocky Mountain Edition Circulation = 45,000
      View-through-rate of 80-84%
      Major Highlights/Activities: Organized Kickoff Event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on November 1[st] 3 Travel Awards granted for LCAM 2016 Meeting in September 2016 2017 Objectives: Expand to include more global partners – Latin America, Asia, Rest of World Expand to include more Cancer Center/institutional partners Improve the diversity of the participants Improve website technology and social sharing Include more scientific advances linked with survivor stories Expand media kit and social sharing tools Increase sponsorship to support an expanded campaign Thank you to our Partners! Caring Ambassadors Dusty Joy Foundation (LiveLung) LUNGCAN Free Me From Lung Cancer Free To Breathe Lung Cancer Foundation of America Lungevity Lung Cancer Research Foundation Chris Draft Family Foundation Faces of Lung Cancer Clifton Mountain Foundation Bonnie J. Addario Foundation American Lung Association Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Lung Cancer Europe Women Against Lung Cancer Europe Patient Power Rexanna’s Foundation Upstage Lung Cancer University of Colorado Cancer Center …and many lung cancer survivors and researchers Special thanks to the LCAM 2016 working group: Janet-Freeman Daily, Dusty Joy Donaldson, Cynamon Frierson and Mary Henningfield. Participants: A consortium of individuals, including lung cancer survivors, and more than 20 different advocacy organizations in the USA and Europe, with IASLC coordinating the effort. There is potential for a worldwide campaign in the future.

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