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J. Roberts

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    P2.07 - Poster Session with Presenters Present (ID 468)

    • Event: WCLC 2016
    • Type: Poster Presenters Present
    • Track: Nurses
    • Presentations: 1
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      P2.07-003 - What Do People Living with and Surviving Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma Want and Need from a Recovery Care Package? (ID 3729)

      14:30 - 14:30  |  Author(s): J. Roberts

      • Abstract

      The National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI) was set to improve the quality of care for people living with and beyond cancer. The NCSI publication, Living With and Beyond Cancer: Taking Action to Improve Outcomes (2013) outlines actions the NHS can take to improve the experience and care for cancer patients. A key outcome identified was the recovery package, which consists of: - an assessment of holistic needs and the development of a care plan to address these issues -a treatment summary that explains to the GP and individual what treatment has taken place and ongoing management - a cancer review by the GP within six months of diagnosis - a health and well being educational event. The generally poor prognosis for lung cancer patients is widely recognised, yet within clinical practice we are seeing more people living with lung cancer, receiving surgery and active treatments for lung cancer and many surviving over two years post diagnosis. The cancer survivorship initiative and the recovery package may be applicable to many site specific cancers and is part of the five year NHS plan but little evidence is available for people living with and survivng lung cancer. The aim of the study is to conduct an initial exploration to identify and understand what people who have had treatment for lung cancer and mesothelioma have experienced in terms of ongoing support to enhance their recovery.

      To generate an in-depth understanding of the patient experience through qualitative interviews with patients, carers and family members and identify a) what people received b) whether this met their recovery needs c) whether and how the four recovery package components need to be modified and delivered to meet the needs of lung cancer and mesothelioma patients d) whether other components need to be added A mixed method study using survey and qualitative research methods and including interviews of patients and relatives who have survived two years from a diagnosis of lung cancer or mesothelioma. Patients will be sent a postal questionnaire and an information sheet and those agreeing to be interviewed will be contacted, the interview will be guided by a topic guide developed in relation to the literature, the recovery package recommendations and survey responses. Interviews will be conducted, audio recorded and selectively transcribed removing any identifying data. All data will be entered onto qsr NVIVO for management. Framework Analysis methods will be used.

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