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C. Rapicetta
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MA10 - Facing the Real World: New Staging System and Response Evaluation in Immunotherapy (ID 393)
- Event: WCLC 2016
- Type: Mini Oral Session
- Track: Radiology/Staging/Screening
- Presentations: 1
- Moderators:P. Kosmidis
- Coordinates: 12/06/2016, 14:20 - 15:50, Stolz 2
MA10.07 - 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography Scan in Solid-Type Stage-I Pulmonary Adenocarcinomas: What Cause False-Negative Cases? (ID 4018)
15:02 - 15:08 | Author(s): C. Rapicetta
- Abstract
- Presentation
False-negative 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake can be divided into those cases related to technological limitations of positron-emission tomography (PET) and others related to inherent properties of neoplasms. We aim to clarify possible factors causing false-negative (FN) PET results in solid-type pulmonary adenocarcinomas (PAs).
From 01/2007 to 12/2014, among 255 Stage-I NSCLCs we retrospectively review PET/CT-records, clinical information, preoperative thin-section CT-images, and pathological features (classified by the IASLC/ATS/ERS subtyping criteria) of 94 consecutive solid-type Stage-I PA undergone surgical resection at Our Institution. Univariate and multivariate logistic analysis were used to identify and weigh the independent predictors of PET-findings: body weight, blood glucose level, tumor-size, and histological classification.
There were 58 males and 36 females (mean age= 68.7 yrs, range 42-85). Seventeen lesions (18.1%) were judged as PET-negative and 77 lesions (81.9%) as PET-positive. Overall, mean SUVmax was 8.0 (range 0-35) with higher SUVmax-values (p<0.001) in PA>2cm (mean SUVmax=10.6) than PA<2cm (mean SUVmax=4.8). PET false-negative (FN) results were also differently distributed (27.9% in PA <2cm vs 9.8% in PA>2 cm, p=0.023). When clustering the PA in 2 histological classes (Class-A [“colloid/mucinous/lepidic”] vs Class-B [“micropapillary/solid/acinar/papillary”]), the radiometabolic patterns were significantly different [mean SUVmax 3.8 in Class-A vs 9.9 in Class-B, p<0.001], as reported in Figure 1. Similarly, a different distribution of PET FN-cases was observed (38.7% FN in Class-A vs 7.9% FN in Class-B, p=0.001). Table 1 shows the results of multivariate logistic analysis. Both the tumor-size (cut-off=2cm) and IASLC/ATS/ERS aggregated clusters were clinically relevant factors for determining whether PET results were negative or positive, but only histology was statistically significant (OR:6.1, 95%CI: 1.85-20.15, p=0.003). Figure 1
Among solid-type lung adenocarcinoma, tumor-size and histopathological findings were significantly associated with FDG-uptake. In particular, it warrants attention that lesions ≤2cm and “colloid/mucinous/lepidic” adenocarcinomas have a tendency for negative PET-findings.
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