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W.S. Chung
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P1.08 - Poster Session with Presenters Present (ID 460)
- Event: WCLC 2016
- Type: Poster Presenters Present
- Track: Surgery
- Presentations: 1
- Moderators:
- Coordinates: 12/05/2016, 14:30 - 15:45, Hall B (Poster Area)
P1.08-017 - Does Mediastinal Lymph Node Dissection Affect Prognosis of Early Stage NSCLC? (ID 6087)
14:30 - 14:30 | Author(s): W.S. Chung
- Abstract
Adequate staging is important in treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Owing to innovation of imaging tools, the preoperative clinical staging is accurate while surgical staging is still a golden standard. For complete resection of NSCLC, a systematic nodal dissection is recommended in all cases. However, for peripheral T1 tumor, a more selective nodal dissection depending on the lobar location of the primary tumor (lobe-specific systematic nodal dissection) is acceptable. In this study, we try to evaluate more selective lymph node sampling is acceptable in early stage NSCLC; stage IA and IB.
Methods:Stage IA (n=86) Stage IB (n=44) Lobe-Specific LN Dissection vs LN Sampling Lobe-Specific LN Dissection 30 17 LN Sampling 56 27 Adequate LN Dissection vs LN Sampling Adequate LN Dissection 32 17 LN Sampling 54 27
In survival analysis, the risk of recurrence between two groups was not significantly different. The patients who underwent lobe-specific LND did not show superior survival (p=0.598) It was same in the patient who underwent adequate LND mentioned in AJCC guidelines (p=0.714). The difference in risk of recurrence was not presented in stratified analysis by stage.
In early stage lung cancer, the possibility of hidden LN metastasis is very low. Therefore, limited LN dissection such as LN sampling based on the result of intraoperative frozen section diagnosis can be acceptable in surgery for early stage NSCLC.