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A. Hasa

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    P1.01 - Poster Session with Presenters Present (ID 453)

    • Event: WCLC 2016
    • Type: Poster Presenters Present
    • Track: Epidemiology/Tobacco Control and Cessation/Prevention
    • Presentations: 1
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      P1.01-009 - Smoking and Lung Cancer: Data from the Single Center in Albania (ID 4128)

      14:30 - 14:30  |  Author(s): A. Hasa

      • Abstract
      • Slides

      Albania is a country with a high prevalence of smoking but a national cancer registry has not been initiated yet and data on lung cancer are scarce.

      Aim - Methods: In 2010-2014, 1254 patients presented to our hospital with either symptoms or an abnormal finding in their chest X-ray and were diagnosed with lung cancer. This is a descriptive retrospective study, reporting data on the histological type of cancer and smoking history

      Results: Of the 1254 patients, 79% (n= 1001) were men and 21% (n=253) women . Age range was (16-89), with mean age in men 62.4 ±8,5 and in women 58±10,2. Diagnosis was confirmed by histology [table 1] : Regarding NSCLC, 78% of patients had an advanced stage (III and IV). Only 268 patients were non-smokers, 126 were ex-smokers and the remaining 67 % (n=860) were current smokers with high exposure (92 pack/years). Day hospital avarage is 7 day,and day range was(1-21) with SD± 6.4. Performance status was:60.2% improved,35.2% idem,3.3% dead in hospital.

      Squamous cell carcinoma Adenocarcinoma Small cell others Total
      men 56%(n=560) 22%(n=220) 15%(n=150) 7%(n=71) 100%(n=1001)
      women 11%(n=27) 72%(n=183) 5%(n=13) 12%(n=30) 100%(n=253)

      In Albania,lung cancer is an increasing pathology (p<0.005) and there is a high prevalence of squamous cell carcinoma especially in men,probably associated with the heavy history of smoking and most patients are diagnosed at a late stage.Policies for smoking cessation should be strengthened and a lung cancer screening program should be initiated.

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