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J. Bradley

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    MA06 - Locally Advanced NSCLC: Risk Groups, Biological Factors and Treatment Choices (ID 379)

    • Event: WCLC 2016
    • Type: Mini Oral Session
    • Track: Locally Advanced NSCLC
    • Presentations: 1
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      MA06.10 - A Pooled Analysis Comparing the Outcomes of Elderly to Younger Patients on NCTN Trials of Concurrent CCRT for Stage 3 NSCLC  (ID 4219)

      17:06 - 17:12  |  Author(s): J. Bradley

      • Abstract
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      • Slides

      Concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) is the standard treatment (TRT) for stage 3 NSCLC. Elderly patients (pts) are common, may have increased toxicity,& poorer results from CCRT

      Individual patient data (IPD) from NCTN phase 2/3 trials of CCRT for stage 3 NSCLC from 1990-2012 was collected. We compared the overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), & adverse events (AE’s) for pts age ≥70 years (yrs) (elderly) vs. <70 yrs (younger). Unadjusted & adjusted Hazard Ratios (HRs) for survival time & their confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated by single-predictor & multivariable Cox models. Unadjusted & adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) for AE’s & their CIs were obtained from single-predictor & multivariable logistic regression models

      IPD from 16 trials were analyzed; 2,768 pts were younger & 832 were elderly. Median OS & PFS for elderly & younger pts are in the table. In the unadjusted & multivariable models elderly pts had worse OS (HR=1.23; 95%CI =1.13-1.35, and 1.20; 95%CI=1.10-1.32, respectively). In the unadjusted & multivariable models, elderly & younger pts had a similar PFS (HR=1.02; 95% CI=0.94-1.11 and 1.01, 95% CI=0.92-1.10, respectively). Elderly pts had a higher rate of grade ≥3 AE’s in the unadjusted & multivariable models (OR=1.25; 95% CI=1.00-1.57 and 1.30; 95%CI=1.03-1.62, respectively). A lower percentage of elderly pts compared to younger completed TRT (47% and 57%, respectively; P<0.0001) & higher percentage stopped due to AE’s (20% and 13%; P<0.0001). Grade ≥ 3 AE’s (occurring at a rate ≥ 2.5%) with a higher rate in the elderly: neutropenia, dyspnea, fatigue, anorexia, vomiting, dehydration, hypoxia, hypotension, & pneumonitis (P<0.05).

      Age ≥ 70yrs Age < 70 yrs P-value[a]
      Median OS (months) 17.0 20.7 < 0.01
      Median PFS (months) 8.7 9.1 0.68
      All toxicities grade ≥3 86% 84% 0.04
      Hematologic AE’s grade ≥3 65% 61% 0.04
      Non-hematologic AE’s ≥3 68% 62% <0.01
      Grade 5 AE’s 9.0% 4.4% <0.01
      TRT related deaths[b] 3.2% 2.0% 0.12
      a: Log-rank test for survival times, chi-square test for AE’s, and Fisher’s exact test for deaths. The P-values from these tests are unadjusted. b: Data available on 2,091 patients

      Elderly pts in CCRT trials had worse OS, similar PFS, & a higher rate of severe AE's.

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    P2.03a - Poster Session with Presenters Present (ID 464)

    • Event: WCLC 2016
    • Type: Poster Presenters Present
    • Track: Advanced NSCLC
    • Presentations: 1
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      P2.03a-055 - Predicting Risk of Chemotherapy-Induced Severe Neutropenia in Lung Patients: A Pooled Analysis of US Cooperative Group Trials (ID 3975)

      14:30 - 14:30  |  Author(s): J. Bradley

      • Abstract

      Neutropenia is the most serious hematologic toxicity associated with the use of chemotherapy. Severe neutropenia (SN) may result in dose delays and/or reductions, and the use of growth colony stimulating factors (CSFs) increases the cost of therapy. Lyman et al. (2011) published a risk model to predict individual risk of neutropenia in patients receiving chemotherapy for multiple types of cancer. The Lyman model (LM) has not been validated by external datasets. We investigated the LM with a large external lung cancer dataset based on clinical criteria of SN and investigated new risk prediction models for SN.

      Stage IIIA/IIIB/IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and extensive small cell lung cancer (SCLC) chemotherapy phase II/III trials completed in 1990-2012 were assembled from U.S. cancer cooperative groups. SN was defined as any neutropenic complications grade ≥ 3 according to CTCAE. A risk score was calculated as a weighted sum of regression coefficients of the LM for all patients in the database. The performance of risk models was evaluated by the area under the ROC curve (AUC) with a good model defined as AUC ≥ 0.7. To develop new risk models, a random split was used to divide the database into training cohort (2/3) and testing cohort (1/3). Multivariable logistic regression models with stepwise selection and lasso selection (Tibshirani, 1996) were built in training cohort and validated in testing cohort. Candidate predictors included patient-level and treatment-level variables. The patients with complete data were used for validation and all patients, including those with imputed predictors, were used to develop new risk models.

      Eighty seven trials with 14,829 patients were included. The LM had a good performance in SCLC patients (AUC=0.86), but it had poor performance in NSCLC patients (AUC=0.47), and an overall unsatisfactory performance in all patients (AUC=0.56). The stepwise model had superior performance than the lasso model (AUC: 0.84 vs. 0.76) in training, while the lasso model had smaller shrinkage in testing. A parsimonious model, based on histology, prior chemo, platinum-based, taxanes, gemcitabine, CSFs, age as continuous variable, relative dose intensity, and white blood cell (WBC), performed slightly worse (AUC=0.71) in testing than the stepwise model and the lasso model.

      The U.S. cooperative group data failed to validate the LM in predicting the risk for severe neutropenia in lung cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. The parsimonious model involving nine predictors showed good performance in predicting severe neutropenia. Prospective validation is warranted.

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    SC03 - Advances in Radiation Oncology (ID 327)

    • Event: WCLC 2016
    • Type: Science Session
    • Track: Radiotherapy
    • Presentations: 1
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      SC03.02 - Proton Therapy of Lung Cancer (ID 6609)

      11:20 - 11:40  |  Author(s): J. Bradley

      • Abstract
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      This session will focus on the use of proton beam radiation therapy for lung cancer. We will review the basic physics of proton beam therapy, why protons are different from photon-based radiation therapy, and the potential advantages of using proton beam therapy to treat lung cancer. We will review the current data about the use of protons, both published and unpublished, and provide updates about ongoing clinical trials testing proton therapy in lung cancer patients.

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      Only Active Members that have purchased this event or have registered via an access code will be able to view this content. To view this presentation, please login or select "Add to Cart" and proceed to checkout.