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S. Yan
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ORAL 05 - Surgery (ID 97)
- Event: WCLC 2015
- Type: Oral Session
- Track: Treatment of Locoregional Disease – NSCLC
- Presentations: 1
- Moderators:P. Van Schil, F.(. Kong
- Coordinates: 9/07/2015, 10:45 - 12:15, 201+203
ORAL05.07 - Mediastinal Lymphadenectomy Fulfilling NCCN Criteria May Improve the Outcome of Clinical N0-1 and Pathological N2 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (ID 692)
12:10 - 12:21 | Author(s): S. Yan
- Abstract
- Presentation
Individual academic societies have published different recommendations about definitions and requirement of nodal assessment. It's generally agreed that radical mediastinal lymphadenectomy will provide accurate information for pathological staging and guiding adjuvant therapy. However it is not clearly established whether mediastinal lymphadenectomy compliant with international criteria will improve the oncological outcomes of clinical early-stage lung cancer. This retrospective study was aimed to compare the long-term survival between the cases treated with lymphadenectomy fulfilling the NCCN criteria and other cases not met the criteria in clinical early-stage lung cancer patients.
During the investigation period, 712 consecutive cases of clinical N0/1 entered the analysis, confirming as 152 cases of pN2 (pathological N2) and 560 of pN0-1 (pathological N0-1) disease after surgery. Group A was defined as the cases fulfilling the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) lymphadenectomy criteria (≥three stations of N2 nodes dissection) and Group B was those who did not meet the criteria. Two groups were stratified by pN status and the outcomes were analyzed and multivariate Cox regression was performed to determine prognostic factors.
5-year Overall survival (OS) and 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) were significantly different between two groups at cN0/1-pN2 status (5-year OS rates, 50±5% vs. 25±9%, p=0.006; 5-year DFS rates, 31.0±4% vs. 13±7%, p=0.014), but not at pN0-1 status (Figure 1). T staging and lymphadenectomy fulfilling NCCN criteria were prognostic factors in cN0/1-pN2 group by multivariate regression analysis. Furthermore, the cases treated with ≥ 4 stations of mediastinal lymph nodes dissection could not achieve better survival benefit compared to those harvesting 3 stations of N2 node in cN0/1-pN2 group (the 5-year OS rates, 46±6% vs. 59±9%, p=0.152).The spreading pattern of mediastinal nodes among pN2 cases was featured by tumor location. The most frequent involved station for right upper lobe-located lung cancer was 4R (83.7%), followed by 7 (37%) and 2R (14.0%). The top 3 involved stations for other cancer locations were 7 (75%), 4R (25%) and 2R (6.3%) for right middle lobe; 7 (81.6%), 4R (34.2%) and 2R (10.5%) for right lower lobe; 5+6 (90.9%), 4L (22.7%) and 7 (4.5%) for left upper lobe; 7 (66.7%), 5+6 (42.4%) and 8 (9.1%) for left lower lobe. Figure 1
Mediastinal lymphadenectomy fulfilling with NCCN criteria may only improve the survival of pathological upstaging subgroup (cN0/1-pN2) among patients with clinical early-stage lung cancer. More extended dissection of mediastinal lymph node (≥ 4 stations) may not further improve the outcome in this group.
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