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F. Sedlmayer
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MO23 - Radiotherapy II: Lung Toxicity, Target Definition and Quality Assurance (ID 107)
- Event: WCLC 2013
- Type: Mini Oral Abstract Session
- Track: Radiation Oncology + Radiotherapy
- Presentations: 1
- Moderators:M.M. Tin, F. Macbeth
- Coordinates: 10/30/2013, 10:30 - 12:00, Bayside 204 A+B, Level 2
MO23.11 - DART - bid (dose-Differentiated Accelerated Radiation Therapy, 1.8 Gy twice daily): A novel therapeutic approach for locoregionally advanced, nonresected non-small cell lung cancer (ID 2826)
11:30 - 11:35 | Author(s): F. Sedlmayer
- Abstract
- Presentation
A modern treatment approach for non-resected NSCLC comprises radiation dose intensification and short overall treatment times. We report on patients treated within a prospective trial, correlating doses to tumor volume, combined with chemotherapy sequentially.Methods
Radiation doses to primary tumors were aligned along increasing tumor size within 4 groups (<2.5 cm/ 2.5-4.5 cm/ 4.5-6.0 cm/ >6.0 cm; mean number of three perpendicular diameters). ICRU-doses of 73.8 Gy/ 79.2 Gy/ 84.6 Gy/ 90.0 Gy, respectively, were applied. Macroscopically involved nodes were treated with a median dose of 59.4 Gy, nodal sites about 6 cm cranial to involved nodes electively with 45 Gy. Fractional doses were 1.8 Gy twice daily (bid). 2 cycles chemotherapy were given before radiotherapy; the interval between chemotherapy and radiotherapy was preferentially shorter than 8 days. With a median follow up time of 56.1 months (range 43.2 – 97.1 ) for patients alive, mature results for locoregional tumor control, survival and toxicity are presented.Results
Between 2004 and 2009,123 continuously referred, unselected patients with 127 histologically/ cytologically proven NSCLC were enrolled; Stage II: 6 pts.; IIIA: 70 pts.; IIIB: 47 pts. Weight loss >5%/ 3 months: 26%; Karnofsky Index ≤ 70%: 46% of the patients. The local tumor control rate at 2-/ 5 years is 73%/ 70%, respectively; the regional tumor control rate 91%/ 89%, respectively. The median overall survival time is 24.6 months, the 2- and 5-year overall survival rates are 52% and 19%, respectively. 2 treatment-related deaths (progressive pulmonary fibrosis) occurred in patients with pre-existing pulmonary fibrosis. Further toxicity was mild or moderate: Pneumonitis grade 2/ 3 (n=10/ 6); esophagitis grade 2/ 3 (n=16/ 7). Lung late grade 2 (n=13), esophagus late grade 3 (n=1).Conclusion
Locoregional tumor control is high; as are survival times for this unselected patient cohort. In all outcome parameters DART-bid seems to compare favourably with simultaneous chemo-radiotherapies, at present considered ‘state of the art’; simultaneous treatments however are applicable only to a minority of referred patients, patients in good general condition.Only Members that have purchased this event or have registered via an access code will be able to view this content. To view this presentation, please login, select "Add to Cart" and proceed to checkout. If you would like to become a member of IASLC, please click here.