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D. Yeh

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    P2.24 - Poster Session 2 - Supportive Care (ID 157)

    • Event: WCLC 2013
    • Type: Poster Session
    • Track: Supportive Care
    • Presentations: 1
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      P2.24-051 - Cicatricial Fibromatosis with High SUV were Suspected by a Local Recurrence of Bronchial Stump in Patient with Lung Cancer (ID 3185)

      09:30 - 09:30  |  Author(s): D. Yeh

      • Abstract

      Cicatricial fibromatosis arises in a surgical scar is a well-known clinical condition. However, its occurrence after thoracic surgery, especially at bronchial stump. is extremely rare.

      42 years old male patient had undergone video assisted thoracoscopic right lower lobectomy 18 months earlier for primary lung cancer. There was no evidence of recurrence in last chest CT examination until 9 months ago. A 33mm sized mass was found beside right lower lobe stump margin in subcarinal space in chest CT examination. It had increased uptakes (SUVmax 6.5) in F-18 FDG PET/CT imaging. There were not any findings of distant metastasis in chest CT and F-18 FDG PET/CT imaging. Therefore we thought it would be a local recurrence of lung cancer at bronchial stump site. We performed biopsy of a mass using EBUS and EUS to confirm the diagnosis. The results were only fibrotic tissue without evidence of malignancy. So he had undergone a complete excision of subcarinal mass through thoracotomy. It was very hard and tightly adhesive to surrounding tissues, as bronchus and esophagus. Figure 1

      Pathologic report was that it was myofibroblast proliferation with infiltrative margin, which was diagnosed as cicatricial fibromatosis.

      In this case, Cicatricial fibromatosis beside bronchial stump margin were suspected to a local recurrence. It has increased uptakes in PET-CT imaging, like as cancer recurrence. It should be completely excised as soon as possible because it is growing infiltrative to surrounding tissues and it would recur sometimes.