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J.H. Lee

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    P3.05 - Early Stage NSCLC (ID 721)

    • Event: WCLC 2017
    • Type: Poster Session with Presenters Present
    • Track: Early Stage NSCLC
    • Presentations: 1
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      P3.05-012a - Inference of Gene Expressions Associated with Recurrence of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (ID 9746)

      09:30 - 09:30  |  Author(s): J.H. Lee

      • Abstract

      Identifying patients at high risk for recurrence in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the key to choose patients who can benefit from postoperative adjuvant therapy. In this study, recurrence related genes were analyzed using RNA-seq data of The Cancer Genomic Atlas (TCGA).

      A regularized regression method called Elastic-Net was used to infer the genetic events associated with recurrence in patients with stage I to IIIA NSCLC from the RNA-seq data of TCGA. We used cross-validation to find the optimal value of regularization parameter λ with minimum mean square error (MSE). Multivariate Cox regression models were used to calculate the hazard ratio (HR) and p-value for recurrence of individual genes. Recurrence free survival (RFS) was compared between two groups which were dichotomized with median value of each genes using Kaplan-Meier analysis.

      Among 670 NSCLC patients with stage I to IIIA, who underwent curative resection, 296 (44.2%) and 374 (55.8%) were diagnosed with adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, respectively. The model is well fitted to the recurrence value with minimum MSE 0.65 and 30 recurrence-related genes were derived. Among them, ANKRB36, C19orf6, MAN2C1 and SFXN5 genes significantly affected the RFS in each stage I, II and IIIA and in all the stages. The RFS was significantly longer among the patients with low ANKRB36 than those with high ANKRB36 (HR, 15.07; P < 0.001). Low C19orf6, MAN2C1 and SFXN5 expression groups showed significantly longer RFS compared to high expression groups (HR, 5.4; P <0.001: HR, 12.8; P < 0.001: HR, 6.2; P <0.001, respectively).

      The expressions of ANKRD36, C19orf6, MAN2C1 and SFXN5 were prognostic for RFS in resected NSCLC patients in TCGA cohort. Further evaluation of the association between the expression of these genes and RFS and benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy are being tested in the clinical cohort of 126 patients.