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H. Abali

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    P3.04 - Poster Session/ Biology, Pathology, and Molecular Testing (ID 235)

    • Event: WCLC 2015
    • Type: Poster
    • Track: Biology, Pathology, and Molecular Testing
    • Presentations: 1
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      P3.04-116 - Prognostic Role of fox-p3 Positive T-Regulatory Cells in Curatively Resected NSCLC Other than Stage IA (ID 2387)

      09:30 - 09:30  |  Author(s): H. Abali

      • Abstract

      Curative surgical excision accompanied by adjuvan chemotherapy for those stage II, III and high risk stage IB patients for completely resected early stage Non-small cell lung cancer is the widely accepted. However, over 50 % of cases in this early stage group recur and die after this aggressive treatment strategy. Currently used prognostic markers are imperfect to estimate the patients with high risk of relapse. Biologic agents which increase the immune system activity recently approved in the treatment of advanced NSCLC. Main aim of this study is to explore the prognostic role T-regulatory cells, which has essential role in decreasing effect of cytotoxic cells on tumor tissue, in early stage NSCLC.

      A total 48 patients those who were resected with R0 resection in baskent university between 2005-2009. Stage IA patients were excluded. İmmunohistochemical staining made on the parffin embedded tissue. Kaplan meier survival curve and log-rank test used for the stattistical evaluation. The values of p below the <0.05 was accepted as statistical signifcant.

      A total 48 patients, 40 (83.3%) male and 8 (16.7%) female, were included. ECOG 0, 1, 2 scale were found in 32(66.7%), 14(29.2%), and 2 (4.2%) patients, accordingly. Mean follow-up time for whole group was 49 months (6-128). Adjuvant chemotherapy were given to 16 patients (33.3%) at physician discretion. There were 21(43.8%), 14(29.2%), and 13 (27.2%) patients with stage of IB, II, and III, respectively. Grade 0, 1, 2, 3 IHC staining intensity for CD 3 and FOX-P3 were found in 0-25 (52.1%), 11(22.9%)-21(43.8%), 16(33.3%)-2(4.2%), and 21(43.8%)-0 patients, respectively. We build a risk score based on the rate of FOXP3/CD3 grades. Low risk, intermediate risk, and high risk score were detected in 22 (45.8%), 17 (35.4%), and 9 (18.8%) patients, respectively. Disease relapse rate were 88.9, 76.5, and 18.8% in high, intermediate, and low risk group. (p:0.005). Disease free survival and overall survival were 30 (14.7-45.6) and 49 months (20.6-77.7). In univariate analyses, ECOG performance (p=0.025) scale, pathological stage (p=0.029), and grade of FOX-P3 (p=0,032) had statistically significant effects on disease free survival (DFS). In univariate analyses, ECOG performance (p=0.008) scale, pathological stage (p=0.03), and IHC staining intensity of FOX-P3 (p=0,018) had statistically significant effects on overall survival (OS). The statistical analysis failed to show statistically significant effects of formed risk groups (p>0.005) on DFS and OS.

      In conclusion, results of the present study showed that increase the IHC staining of T-reg cells in tumor tissue significantly related with tumor relapse (higher the intensity-higher the relapse rate). Univariate analysis showed that IHC staining intensity had negative prognostic factor and statistically significant effect on both DFS and OS.