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K. Mizuno

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    P2.02 - Poster Session/ Treatment of Localized Disease – NSCLC (ID 210)

    • Event: WCLC 2015
    • Type: Poster
    • Track: Treatment of Localized Disease - NSCLC
    • Presentations: 1
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      P2.02-027 - A Study of Segmentectomy for Primary Lung Cancer (ID 114)

      09:30 - 09:30  |  Author(s): K. Mizuno

      • Abstract
      • Slides

      Lung segmentectomy has been developed to reduce the invasion for patients. We have performed segmentectomy for primary lung cancer as much as possible. We have analyzed the usefulness of segmentectomy, especially by focusing on the recurrent cases.Lung segmentectomy has been developed to reduce the invasion for patients. We have performed segmentectomy for primary lung cancer as much as possible. We have analyzed the usefulness of segmentectomy, especially by focusing on the recurrent cases.

      A total of 639 patients underwent operation for primary lung cancer in the period of January 2006 to August 2014 in our hospital. We performed an analysis of 144 patients (22.5%) who accepted segmentectomy. To compare the clinical data, we divided 144 patients into four groups depending on the size. Group A means ≤1.0cm, B means >1.0cm and ≤2.0cm, C means >2.0 cm and ≤3.0cm, D means >3.0cm. The overall survival rates were calculated using Kaplan-Meier test.

      Group A are 40 (27.8%), B are 72 (50.0%), C are 20 (13.9%), D are 12 (8.3%). The pathological stage was 0/1=3/37 in Group A, 0/1A/1B(pl1)/2A(n1)/2B(pl3)=1/63/5/2/1 in B, 1A/1B/2A/3A/4=11/6/1/1/1 in C, 1A/1B/2A/3A=1/8/1/2 in D. The 5-year survival rate was 89.6% in 144, 100% in A, 90.1% in B, 68.1% in C, 83.3% in D, respectively. There were 8 recurrent cases (5.6%) for all 144 cases, pulmonary metastasis (same lobe) = 1 in A, carcinomatous pleuritis / pulmonary metastasis (same lobe) / pulmonary and liver metastasis = 2/1/1 in B, brain metastasis = 1 in C, pulmonary metastasis (contralateral) / chest wall metastasis = 1/1 in D.

      This study revealed segmentectomy could contribute to long-term survival for group A and B. In recurrent cases of A and B, two of carcinomatous pleuritis and pulmonary and liver metastasis were showed pl1 or pl3. These cases would not be able to prevent recurrence even if they were performed lobectomy. However, two cases of pulmonary metastasis possibly could not occur recurrence if they were enforced lobectomy.

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