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J. Devlin

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    P3.24 - Poster Session 3 - Supportive Care (ID 160)

    • Event: WCLC 2013
    • Type: Poster Session
    • Track: Supportive Care
    • Presentations: 1
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      P3.24-025 - Lung Cancer - a Scottish experience (ID 1617)

      09:30 - 09:30  |  Author(s): J. Devlin

      • Abstract

      NHS Scotland is committed to improving the quality of healthcare services and patient-centered care is at the heart of Better Cancer Care (2008). The importance of experiences of patients in the planning and delivery of cancer services is a priority in improving cancer services across Scotland and increasingly emphasis is being put on how services are being delivered at a local level.

      A questionnaire developed by Gloucestershire Health Authority to elicit the views of patients with lung cancer was identified. This had been adapted by South-east Scotland Cancer Network (SCAN) in 2010 to survey their patient population. Permission was sought and granted from NHS Gloucester and NHS Lothian to further adapt the questionnaire and use it in the wider Scottish population. All three networks were involved adjusting the questionnaire to explore areas of care at the time of diagnosis, during treatment and in the follow-up period. The survey has a mixture of qualitative and quantitative components with room for free text for clarification after many of the questions. All patients with lung cancer and Mesothelioma attending Oncology follow-up were asked to completed the survey. New patients, patients on surgical follow-up and those currently receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy were excluded. The questionnaire was handed out to all patients with lung cancer and mesothelioma attending oncology clinics during June 2013 in Scotland. The questionnaires were distributed by the receptionists or clinic staff to be completed prior to seeing their oncologist. All questionnaires were anonymous and once completed were collected and returned to the researchers. Assistance with the quantitative analysis will be obtained from the Clinical Effectiveness Team in NHS Lanarkshire. The questionnaires will be analysed using SPSS and Excel. Bar graphs will be provided for each question. Data will be cross tabulated against each region where the diagnosis of lung cancer was made. Free text will be collated into themes and assistance with this analysis obtained from the University of Dundee.

      'Not applicable as yet, awaiting results'

      Not applicable as yet, awaiting results