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A. Morresi-Hauf

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    P2.24 - Poster Session 2 - Supportive Care (ID 157)

    • Event: WCLC 2013
    • Type: Poster Session
    • Track: Supportive Care
    • Presentations: 1
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      P2.24-053 - 11-Year Survival of a Patient with Untreated, EGFR Positive, Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma (ID 3229)

      09:30 - 09:30  |  Author(s): A. Morresi-Hauf

      • Abstract

      Lung cancer is the most common cancer related death and the fourth most common cause of death in Germany. The five-year survival rate in European and North American countries is in between 5,5% and 15,7%. In the last couple of years though, significant progress has been made concerning personalized medicine in this disease entity. Novell targeted therapies with tyrosin kinase inhibitors (TKI) for patients with a mutation in the EGFR gene offer a new treatment option.

      A 78-year old male patient was referred to the Thoraxklinik Heidelberg with atypical thoracic pain after cardiologic assessment. In 2001 he was given the diagnosis of pulmonary adenocarcinoma of the right upper lobe in the Asklepios Hospital Munich-Gauting. Because of his overall good clinical condition the patient had declined any treatment to this point. A new PET- CT was conducted and compared to the computer tomography of 2001 revealed a significantly grown lesion in the right upper lobe as well as new, small bipulmonar lesions suspicious of lung metastasis.

      A new histological assessment was performed on an endobronchial forceps biopsy of the now occluded right upper lobe. The diagnosis of a partial lepidic differentiated adeno-carcinoma was consistent with the diagnosis as well as the preserved specimens of 2001. We were able to perform an EGFR mutation analysis of the 2001,- as well as of the new tumor specimens through PCR-amplification and bidirectional sequencing of exons 18, 19 and 21. In each of the probes we detected a deletion combined with an insertion c.2127_29del (p.E709_T710delinsD) in exon 18.

      The above mentioned mutation has already been described in the literature but there is no information concerning the responsiveness of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in this particular mutation. Now that the cancer had spread we decided to start treatment with erlotinib. Due to cutaneous side effects the patient decided to discontinue this therapy. Since then he has been in regular follow-up showing a stable disease and good general state of health.