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S. Jenkins

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    P2.06 - Poster Session 2 - Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers (ID 165)

    • Event: WCLC 2013
    • Type: Poster Session
    • Track: Biology
    • Presentations: 1
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      P2.06-019 - EGFR mutation detection in ctDNA isolated from NSCLC patient plasma; a cross-platform comparison of leading technologies (ID 1797)

      09:30 - 09:30  |  Author(s): S. Jenkins

      • Abstract

      The diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was revolutionised with the discovery of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activating mutations and the corresponding treatment of mutation-positive cancers with EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKI, i.e. gefitinib, erlotinib). While EGFR-TKI’s are highly effective in this setting, patients invariably relapse due to acquired resistance to the targeted therapy. In approximately 50% of the cases, resistance to gefitinib and erlotinib is associated with a T790M mutation that renders the EGFR tumor molecule unresponsive to these inhibitors. A number of 2[nd] and 3[rd] generation inhibitors are currently in development to address the primary T790M resistance mechanisms (afatinib, AZD9291, Clovis 1686). Identifying the relevant patient population for such drugs may rely on diagnostic analysis of re-biopsy material to determine the mechanism of acquired resistance. However, such invasive surgical procedures may present a significant challenge in a proportion of patients with EGFR TKI-resistant disease. Availability of a reliable, minimally invasive method to assess the EGFR mutation status of NSCLC patients could have major clinical benefits for patients and support access to novel targeted therapies. Recently, several highly sensitive technologies have been described for detection of EGFR mutations in the small amount of tumor DNA that is shed into the circulating plasma (ctDNA). ctDNA has potential as a minimally-invasive alternative to surgical biopsies and as such, holds promise for disease diagnosis and early assessment of disease progression.

      We undertook a comprehensive cross-technology comparison of three technology platforms for detection of T790M mutation in ctDNA extracted from patient plasma: 1) ARMS-based detection using the Roche cobas® EGFR mutation detection kit; 2) digital droplet PCR using the BioRad ddPCR instrument (by MolecularMD); and 3) bead-based digital PCR using the Inostics BEAMing technology. In total, 140 frozen plasma samples (approximately 80 EGFR mutation +ve and 60 EGFR mutation -ve), obtained from EGFR-TKI resistant patients enrolled on two AstraZeneca clinical studies were used to assess mutation prevalence, false negative, and false positive rates. Each individual patient plasma sample was split and evaluated across multiple platforms. ctDNA was extracted and tested by operators blinded to the EGFR tumor mutation result for 3 common mutations (Exon 19 deletion E746_A750delELREA, L858R and T790M). The EGFR mutations status of patient-matched tumor biopsies was available for all plasma samples to allow for ctDNA-tumor concordance testing.

      Overall, concordance of EGFR mutation status was high between all 3 methods. In addition, the false positive rate in the known EGFR mutation -ve cases was low for all 3 methods. However, differences were seen in the rate of false negative results (assay sensitivity) between methods, with digital PCR showing increased assay sensitivity compared with the ARMS based method. A comprehensive comparative analysis for all 3 technologies will be presented.

      Digital droplet and BEAMing PCR platforms both provide sensitive detection of EGFR mutations in ctDNA isolated from circulating plasma. Importantly, both platforms also provide results in relation to wild-type EGFR molecules, allowing for quantification EGFR mutation load