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Y. Keiki

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    P2.01 - Poster Session 2 - Cancer Biology (ID 145)

    • Event: WCLC 2013
    • Type: Poster Session
    • Track: Biology
    • Presentations: 1
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      P2.01-014 - Fundamental examination in the plasticity of Cancer stem-like cell (CSC) / Cancer-initiating cell (CIC) in Lung Cancer (ID 1528)

      09:30 - 09:30  |  Author(s): Y. Keiki

      • Abstract

      Cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) / Cancer-initiating cells (CICs) have been described as a small population that have (i) tumor initiating ability, (ii) differentiation ability and (iii) self-renewal ability and regarded as major causes of cancer recurrence, distant metastasis and treatment resistance. CSCs/CICs have been thought to have similar molecular mechanisms to normal stem cells and keep undifferentiated state. And we thought that Lung CSCs/CICs constantly exchange the state of differentiation and dedifferentiation. Previously we showed that SOX2 is overexpressed in stem-like cells of human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines. And so, we think SOX2 is important for the sustention of CSCs/CICs. In this study, we examined the differentiation and dedifferentiation of Lung CSCs/CICs in single-cell level and investigated the regulation of SOX2 expression in Lung CSCs/CICs.

      Lung adenocarcinoma cell lines LHK2 were stained with Hoechst33342 dye and CSCs/CICs were isolated as Side population (SP) cells and non-CSCs/CICs were isolated as Main population (MP) cells using a FACS Aria II cell sorter. Many single cell clones (SP clones, MP clones) were established from SP cells and MP cells respectively. SOX2 expression was addressed by qPCR. LHK2 were treated with HDAC inhibitor Trichostatin A (TSA).

      SP cells and MP cells were generated from each SP clones and MP clones. The SOX2 expression of SP clones were higher than that of MP clones. TSA treatment enhanced the expression of SOX2 and increased the rate of SP cells.

      It was indicated that the differentiated Lung carcinoma fractions were dedifferentiated into CSCs/CICs and SOX2 expression was important for the mechanisms. It was considered that the differentiation and dedifferentiation occurred with comparative ease in Lung carcinoma, so we thought that the mechanisms related to the epigenetic regulation. In this study, it was indicated that SOX2 expression in Lung cancer cells were regulated by histone acetylation. Therefore, Lung CSCs/CICs phenotype might be regulated by epigenetic mechanisms.