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Y. Bautista

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    P1.10 - Poster Session 1 - Chemotherapy (ID 204)

    • Event: WCLC 2013
    • Type: Poster Session
    • Track: Medical Oncology
    • Presentations: 1
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      P1.10-035 - Effectiveness of bevacizumab in patients with lung adenocarcinoma treated with pemetrexed / carboplatin as first-line chemotherapy (ID 1982)

      09:30 - 09:30  |  Author(s): Y. Bautista

      • Abstract

      The combination of pemetrexed /carboplatin / bevacizumab based on previous findings it is possible and has been tested in phase II studies (Patel, ASCO 2008) which showed an increase in progression-free survival to 14.1 months / 7.8m months patients using the combination of pemetrexed / carboplatin / bevacizumab vs pemetrexed / carboplatin, in patients with lung adenocarcinoma. Recent evidence on the combination of pemetrexed / carboplatin / bevacizumab in first line of treatment for NSCLC (Pointbreak study showed no benefit in terms of overall survival asurvival (6.0 vs 5.6months (P = 0.012)) In maintenance therapy esenario AVAPERL study shows a significant Increase in progression-free survival to 10.2 months in patients receiving pemetrexed / carboplatin / bevacizumab versus pemetrexed / carboplatin / placebo, which is data that is unprecedented.

      In the medical oncology department of the Central Military Hospital of Mexico retrospective evaluation was conducted on the records of patients who were treated for NSCLC adenocarcinomas between 2008 and 2011, for those who use the combination of Pemetrexed / Carboplatin / Bevacizumab and Pemetrexed / carboplatin . The primary objectives of this study are an analysis of descriptive and multivartiate statistics on the following variables: Overall survival , progression-free interval, response rate , number of cycles received, toxicity, , diagnosis and smoking history. The results were analyzed using the SPSS program, in which we used Kaplan-Meier for the analysis of Overall survival (OS) and Progression-free-survival and U-MANN-WHITNEY for the correlation between PFS and smoking history and PFS and response rate.

      Data were obtained from a review of thirty patients with lung adenocarcinoma stage IIIb and IV treated between the years 2008-2011 (fifteen each arm) with the schemes of Pemetrexed / Carboplatin / Bevacizumab and Pemetrexed / carboplatin with the following results:

      OS (GENERAL) 15.2 12.7 (P=0.77NS)
      OS SMOKER 12.1 18.0 (NS)
      OS NON SMOKER 10.5 13.1 (NS)
      PFS (GENERAL) 8.9 8.5 (P=0.69NS)
      PFS SMOKER 10.2 8.1 NS
      PFS NON SMOKER 8.1 9.5 NS

      In this case series shows That adding bevacizumab to first-line treatment with chemotherapy in NSCLC (Adenocarcinoma) based on pemetrexed / carboplatin / bevacizumab not Increased OS and PFS in overall population (OS 15.2 VS 12.7 m, P = 0.77NS), (PFS 8.5 vs 8.0 m P = 0.69 (NS). They found a trend toward increased overall survival in smokers who used Avastin not reached statistical significance.the hematologic and non-haematological toxicity was higher in the PCB arm vs. PC.There were no grade IV adverse events In this series of cases as well as bleeding events or deaths related to treatment