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J. Zamora

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    P1.06 - Poster Session 1 - Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers (ID 161)

    • Event: WCLC 2013
    • Type: Poster Session
    • Track: Biology
    • Presentations: 1
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      P1.06-031 - Is there any role for monitoring circulating tumor cells (CTC) in stage III non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients? (ID 2368)

      09:30 - 09:30  |  Author(s): J. Zamora

      • Abstract

      The value of CTC has not been fully examined in patients (p) with NSCLC, in particular in those with locally advanced disease

      A prospective study to evaluate CTC in NSCLC p is been conducting. Peripheral blood samples have been collected for CTC analysis basally in all stages and after finishing chemotherapy and radiotherapy in stage III. CTC analysis is performed using CellSearch (Veridex).

      One hundred and twenty nine patients were enrolled between January 2009 and May 2013. CTC was positive (CTC ≥1) in 21% (27/129 p). The number of CTC varied between 1 and 136 (7 p had only 1 basal CTC, 4 p had 2, 4 p 3 , 2 p 4, 2 p 5 , 2 p 6 and 1 p 7, 8 11,14, 37 and 136 CTC respectively). Basal positive CTC according to the stage were: 4% stage I and II p (1/26), 13% stage III p (6/45) and 35% stage IV p (20/58). In p with positive basal CTC, no differences were found in terms of histology (adenocarcinoma 22% p (18/81), squamous 20% p (7/34), others 14% p (2/14)), smoking status (current smoker 16% (10/61 p), non-smoker 21% (3/14 p), former smoker 26% (14/54 p)), EGFR status (EGFR + 17% (2/12 p), EGFR wt 25% (25/117 p), but a statistically significant difference was found in terms of ECOG (17% ECOG 0-1 (16/97 p) versus 34% ECOG 2 (11/32 p); p: 0.044). In 58 p with stage IV no differences were found related to location of metastasis (mts): M1a 32% (5/16 p), M1b 33% (8/24 p) although none of p with brain mts showed basal CTC. With a median follow-up using inverse Kaplan-Meier of 315 days, no differences were found in terms of survival based on basaline CTC status. Data of dynamic changes are still pending

      Although this study is still ongoing, the role of basal CTC in stage III NSCLC is still unclear with only 13% of p positive at diagnosis. The value as predictive factor will depend on the data of dynamic changes that will be presented at the meeting